While the primary focus of the site was the bucket conversion method, on a larger scale we designed the Performance Ground project around three overarching goals. The appeal of shared success is a valuable component in any project, and identifying these goals at the start helped us engage in the mission of a new company.
1) Establishing a Brand Identity
As a new company and facility, building brand familiarity was a key component in driving conversions. Utilizing provided elements, we aimed for an image more akin to sleek, mature companies like Nike to increase user confidence and drive conversions. Employing white space in conjunction with predominantly grey and black tones allowed the powerful yellow to establish itself as the anchor of the brand, without cluttering navigation.
2) KPIs as Our Guide
We heavily weighed the client-provided KPIs of educating and empowering when selecting images, as well as the tone for our narrative.
3) Infusing Best Practices
Working in conjunction with more benevolent KPIs, we made sure to incorporate analytically backed best practices. This balance assured that while we were empowering and educating, we were also generating the revenue required to sustain the mission.